Tuesday, September 23, 2008

1st Grade Update

I thought I'd just update everyone on Sophie's progress in 1st grade. When I last posted about her (before school started), we'd already seen some amazing progress. I'm happy to report that she is doing fantastic in school!!!!!

At our first meeting with her teacher, in typical Selective Mutism fashion, Sophie sat close to me with her head down and her hands rubbing her eyes. She wouldn't make eye contact or even nod to her teacher. However, on the THIRD day of school, Sophie's teacher called me to tell me she had raised her hand to answer a question out loud!!!! By the second week of school, her teacher told me she was raising her hand to ask questions (takes more initiative) and was talking to and making friends.

One morning when I took her to school, I was helping Cameron for a minute. When I looked up, Sophie was racing down to the playground holding hands with two new friends. Sophie says when kids ask her why she talks this year at school, she just replies, "I'm not as shy as I used to be".

In our life, we consider this a miracle. The changes in Sophie since starting medication have been dramatic. People keep asking me what we've done to help her come out of her shell. The answer is, the right diagnosis with proper treatment. Her pediatrician recently told me that in his 23 years of practice, he's never seen a child so anxious or mute. We know it is a blessing that she has progressed so fast and can now reach her potential.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Head Games

Are you like me and find yourself constantly comparing yourself to others? For awhile I was feeling pretty content with my life, situation, and even myself. Lately however, I just find myself thinking, "I wish I could be more artistic like her", or "I wish I was more motivated like her" or "I wish my stomach was flatter like hers", or "I wish my house was beautifully decorated like hers". Why do I constantly beat myself up? Do you experience these same self-defeating thoughts?

One part of me knows that I was created to be who I am. I know I have my own strengths and abilities. Another part of me longs to be something different, something more. I think part of this is human nature. I think it is natural to notice the best in others while only noticing the worst in ourselves. But, as we've been taught, the natural man (or woman) is an enemy to God. While it may be natural to compare ourselves, nothing good comes of it! It is not how God wants us to view ourselves. And it is dangerous. We never know what trials or weaknesses that other "perfect" person has.

There is a fine line between admiring someone for their strengths and putting yourself down for not having that strength. I am committing to STOP comparing myself to others and just focus on improving my weaknesses and being grateful for the strengths that I have. One quote I heard as a youth that has always stuck with me is (Heavenly Father speaking): "The greatest gift I could give you is to see yourself the way I do". Heavenly Father sees me as an imperfect person that is just trying to do better. And that is OKAY. He doesn't want me to be just like everyone else. And he doesn't fault me for not having all the talents I think I'd like to have.

I know you may have this all figured out, but I have to remind myself sometimes that I may not be the best at everything, but as long as I'm striving to improve, that's what matters. Any suggestions/thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated!