Friday, June 12, 2009

Dancin' in the Rain

Although I'm not a huge fan of the rainy weather we've been having, I'm glad our kids embraced the moment and danced in the rain!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


So, after my friend Crystal gave us a cinnamon roll demonstration last week, I left feeling inspired. And full. I was so inspired that I actually made cinnamon rolls from scratch today. For some reason, any recipe with yeast in it scares me. I remember attempting cinnamon rolls when we were first married and producing small, cinnamon and sugar coated hockey pucks. At that point, I swore off making anything with yeast. But today I tried it again and, much to my surprise, they were delicious! I had to borrow my mother-in-law's Bosch mixer, which made the job super easy. The only problem was I couldn't stop eating them! I don't know if I'll attempt these again any time soon, but I have to admit I'm quite proud of myself for trying something new!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I don't know about you but the snowy weather has left me a little down the last few days (at least I think that's the reason). Feeling excited and grateful usually comes pretty naturally to me. The last few days however, have been a downer. So, to whip my attitude back into shape, I wanted to post a few pictures of the fun things we've been doing lately. I am so blessed, especially to be a mom and to have these amazing kids and husband!

Playing cars with Cameron

Rich doing the dishes with frilly gloves on - he's never looked hotter.

Carson can fill out this thing as well as I can.

Playing outside in the dirt on one of the choice sunny days.

Carson and Caleb as "minjas"

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I have been a total blog slacker lately, but my friend reminded me last night that she tagged me a couple months ago. I actually had a quiet moment today, so here it goes! This is the fourth picture from the fourth file on our computer. It is a shot from the temple in Germany. We attended a session directly after arriving in Germany. We were extremely jet lagged and I don't remember much from it, but it was a neat experience. The people sacrifice so much there, driving hours and hours, just to work in the temple. Is it just me or do I look a lot younger there? (This picture is only about 3 years old).

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bathroom Remodel - Yahoo!!!!

We finally remodeled our bathroom!!! There are still a few finishing touches to make, but here are a few pics of it. This was a long awaited and much anticipated goal of mine. Rich did the majority of the work himself, with help along the way from skilled friends and neighbors. Can I just tell you how excited I am?

On a totally different subject, this picture pretty much sums up Cameron's first 18 months. To put it mildly, he cried A LOT. I've tried to chalk it up to teething, colds, you name it, but I think it just comes down to the fact that he is a high maintenance child. HOWEVER, lately he has suddenly become easier! He actually goes in the other room and plays by himself! He stopped biting my feet while I was trying to make dinner! He runs around with a smile on his face! I know this may just be a passing phase, but I'm enjoying every minute of it. Way to go Cam!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Recent Happenings

The kids love playing in the snow, especially when daddy joins them

Christmas morning

Christmas Eve in new pajamas

Cameron looking cute

Carson in his annual preschool program

Carson as an elf in his program

Now that the holidays are over, our life is a little blah! It was fun while it lasted. I'm glad to get back into a routine and have the kids on schedules. Maybe I'll even get caught up on laundry. We had a wonderful holiday season. We hope you did too!