For those of you who know Sophie, she comes across as a quiet, reserved introvert. For those of you who know her a little better, she has another side. Last week, her kindergarten class had a program where the kids danced and sang their little hearts out. Of course Sophie had a major case of stage fright and performed as her teacher's "stagehand". Part of my heart was breaking as each kid danced around the room and Sophie quietly stood in the back holding props. But I'm learning to accept her for who she is. So you can understand my surprise when, that night at home, she posted signs around the house saying, "The Sophie Show, 7:00". As I took my seat on the basement couch promptly at 7, she got into position and turned the CD player on. The show: a dance number to Madonna's song, 'Holiday'. She shook her booty with a smile on her face for a good 4 minutes. She wasn't going to be outshown by her classmates. She just needed a smaller audience.
Sophie's personality reminds me of a lot of people I know: complex. You think you have them figured out and then they surprise you. I think I'm still discovering different sides of myself. I've found that if you give most people time, even if they make a bad first impression, you usually find many good things about them that you never would have guessed. I guess it keeps life interesting. One of my goals this year is to be less judgmental and give people the benefit of the doubt. I hope people will do this for me and for Sophie, as there's always some other side to that person lurking in them somewhere.
I hate that I was out of town for the Kindergarten program. I would have loved to see the kids. I know Sophie is still shy around me but I do get to see her in the classroom where she is quiet and reserved but I also get to see her in our home and she is involved and plays with the other kids and it is great to see this other side of her. I think she is about the sweetest little girls out there! I also love your goal to give people the benefit of the doubt and not be judgemental. As I get older I really have tried to do the same thing. You can never know what trials someone might be going through and judging them just isn't fair.
Sophie is such a cute thing! I need to try to be like you and find the best in people, not their worst. Thanks for the reminder!
okay that is hilarious about the "sophie show" i would have paid BIG bucks to see it. I am glad she feels that home is a safe place where she can be her true self.
I love Sophie. I think that sometimes I am one of the few adults that gets to see her "other side." She is complex, but that is what is so great about people, little or big. I love that although Lillie and Sophie are so different they are the best of friends, I hope that they are always close, they bring out so much good in each other.
I wish I could have seen the Sophie show. Next time I'm out there, I want to spend more time with your kids. They are so awesome- I want to know them super well.
Oh, that is so, so cute. You are absolutely right, we all just need to be in that setting where we feel safe and supported, and then ... watch out world! I agree with you about first impressions- they don't give us the chance to see the real person- the person that Heavenly Father sees. It is a life long lesson i think. Thanks for this post!
Good Job Soph! I would much rather dance in front of 4 people rather that a room full. I totally cant blame you!
I love that she put up signs for her show.....that is so cute!
Yea, my heart was breaking too when Sophie didn't do anything at the school. What a great thing that she figured out for herself where her comfort level is, and did that instead. That's using her noggin'!
Amy, I've read this entry several times and it still makes me cry every time! I love the way you've trusted your instincts to know know how to best nurture Sophie's sweet spirit.
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