Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Good news moment

I just had to share our good news - Carson just graduated from speech therapy! When he turned one, we were a little concerned that he didn't have any words yet. We were assured by our Dr. that they'd be coming soon. At 18 months, and then again at 2 years, he still had 0 words but was signing a lot. He began speech therapy at 18 months and has been fighting an uphill battle ever since. The first time he said his name in speech class when he was about 2 1/2, his teacher burst into tears because she was so surprised and excited. At age 3, he was speaking a lot but was pretty unclear so he was put in an articulation class. Now, after retesting, he is testing fine and doesn't qualify for speech anymore! This may seem weird, but I was never really worried. I always just thought he would catch up. Call it mother's intuition or just stupidity. We are so grateful for the many therapists and teachers that have been so helpful in this process. We are so blessed to live in a time and area where help is easily accessible and cheap!


Emily N said...

Carson rules!! I was very impressed with his awesome verbal skills when we were out there. I know some kids his age that are far harder to understand. I also love that smile in the picture.

Terrie said...

It has been amazing to see Carson's progress over the last couple years. I remember when he started talking clearly, he seemed to add a new word every time I saw him. You could see how proud he was. He seemed so excited to be communicating. He is such a cutie, I love the stuff that comes out of his mouth when I am around him.

Crystal said...

Congrats Carson! You are a awesome mother Amy, way to stay cool headed. It is so nice to see kids accomplish such daunting tasks.

Julie said...

Yay! That is great news. You are a wonderful mom, and Carson is a darling kid.

Shannon said...

I had no idea that Carson was in speech therapy. It is amazing the resources that we have at our fingertips. Congratulations Carson for graduating from Speech!

Kristen said...

he has come a long way. you would never know he ever had a problem. sometimes i wish abby couldn't talk. connor too for that matter!

Anonymous said...

Amy, That is awesome news about Carson. I have noticed everytime I see him how much better his speech is. He is such a cute and special boy and we wish that we could see him more. I have been following your blog and it is fun to read about your family. That dance show of Sophie's sounded fun to watch!

Kristin said...

Way to go Carson!!! I can't for the day when Caden graduates. You must be very proud, speech therapy is alot of work.

Miss Rachel said...

Carson's a Champ!!! I love it! hmmm, is there a speech therapy for getting kids to hold back a little on speaking??

Nicole said...

I am so happy for you and your family. What a great day to be a mom!

Unknown said...

Hi Amy, this is Samantha (Milne) from the Willow Canyon 1st ward...I've just been blog surfing and I'm so ecstatic that I found your blog! Your pictures are darling! Congratulations on Carson's good news. And I'm so glad you posted pictures of Sophie's "other side." I'll always have the quiet, shy image of her in Primary.=) Such a cutie. Well, be seeing you! Best wishes~
Samantha (Milne) Karren

Unknown said...

P.S...Is the link to "Nicole" on your blog for Nicole & Greg Miles, by any chance? Their blog wouldn't allow me to view it to say hi; do you know how I might contact them? My email is: or